My youngest is 13 today, so my household officially consists of two teenagers. Ashton also asked that I not do a sappy sentimental post for his birthday, so instead I’m going to celebrate my son’s birthday by sharing some of his artwork with you.
August 19th of 2010 was a Friday, and it was the last day I worked before maternity leave. I was sleeping sitting up in a recliner for the last couple of weeks before he was due, and when I woke up on the 20th, I thought I had peed myself. I went to the bathroom and realized I couldn’t stop peeing myself. Both of my kids were planned c-sections, and I did not know what was going on. I called my sister, and she told me my water broke. I woke my then-husband and 4-year-old daughter and we rushed to the hospital. I didn’t have a bag packed or anything. I wasn’t ready. Ash’s original due date would have made him a Virgo, and when he was born made him a Leo, which totally fits him. I love telling people he did that on purpose. My obgyn also told me at my last appointment that my hips were too narrow and Ashton wouldn’t be able to break my water, I shouldn’t worry about it, and if you know my Ashton, he loves a challenge. I think he heard her and broke my water to prove her wrong. He didn’t want to come out though, they had to use forceps on him and almost had to put me to sleep so they could make my incision bigger. I saw him for a couple of minutes after he was born and then I passed out. It was a completely different birthing experience than my first c-section.

My two children meeting was the most powerful moment of my life. I wasn’t aware at the moment that there was a divorce coming in my future and my family would be the three of us through thick and thin. So this moment on 8/21/10 is the moment that my family became complete.

Ashton has been creative ever since he was little. He’s always drawing, building, or creating something. He drew this picture for me for my 37th birthday when he was 5, and it’s always been one of my favorites. The mountains, the lake, the tree, the sunset; he drew a perfect nature scene that I would love to visit.
Ashton’s current creative kick is creating puppets. Right now he’s making them out of cardboard, and when he gets them just right, we’re going to get him felt and cloth and he’ll make them that way. We made a short video so he can share his puppets with you.
I love you, Ashton! And I have your back always. That will never change. I love you and I got you.